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Slovak CP sites 
Autor Správa

Registrovaný: 27.02. 2011 11:04
Príspevky: 1
Poslať Slovak CP sites
Dear Slovak CP Growers,

Please let me introduce myself, my name is Richard a CP grower.
We are intending to visit your contry to see some Carnivours Plants in situ, especially we are looking for peat bogs.
Me and my friends, we DO NOT want to collect plants, only experiences and photos.
I would kindly ask your help to provide me some informations, where can we find peat bogs in your contry which are near to one of these National Parks, towns:

Nová Sedlica

I can choose one of these destinations only.

I would also like to know, if these sites are free to enter, or we have to receive a permission paper.

Thanks a lot for your kind help in advance!

Best regards,

27.02. 2011 11:28
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