Re: Utricularia menziesii
Okej Karolin
tak jeden link ktori komentoval Kamil Pasek :
http://forum.masozravky.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2674potom darwiniana Adam Veleba :
http://www.darwiniana.cz/masozravky/forum:startA este nemecky kolega co ju pestuju dlhodobu uz :
- tuber storage:
The tubers are principle excavated over the summer time and kept (like also my other tubers) up to the next growth period bone-dry in a small ziplock-bag. These are stored in a small metal box at room temperature in a cabinet.
Time of potting:
- The tubers will be potted principle in the middle of September (without signs of sprout out) into an easily damp sand peat mixture 1:1 (without standing water!!). They stand outdoors till scarce before the first frost (with rain protection). Then i do it into the greenhouse, where they are will sprayed on the top (also here without signs of sprout out on the top).
- The lighting
As lighting I use 2x 24 watts of energy-saving lamps (Twintubes). But I use no conventional lamps! Mine comes from the photograph range, which are clearly brighter. They correspond according to manufacturer data 380 watts. It is for instance 25cm over my tuber species.
- The watering:
As soon as the first leafs are visible, I begin with easy damming up, which increases then in the next weeks to 2-3cm (with 9x9x10cm pots). Here I let the water level always drop to zero, before I fill up then immediately again.
- The temperatures:
My culture are in the heated greenhouse. Here I cannot affect the temperatures actually. Only the adjusted minimum temperatures of 5-7°C at my thermostate of my recirculating heater. The remainder makes the given weather. If in the winter the sun is shining, it can become during the day quite times 25-30°C, which does not harm the plants. Because it cools down again clearly at night.
- The end of growth period:
This is in my opinion the more difficult part: The leafs of U. menziesii remain during the entire growth period always fleshy green or reddish. As soon in march/april the first 1-2 leafs are yellowish-brownish, this is a safe indication for it that the plant are introduction. And already off here one must react correctly: I take the appropriate pot out of the water. And here attention! If the substrate is too fast drying out, many or no daughter tubers are not formed (for flowers is needed a group with 5-7 tubers). Are the substrate too wet, the tubers putrid! The substrate must be dry out VERY SLOW in a period of 4-5 weeks.